EUROSEISTEST combined with the EUROPROTEAS and its data providing web portal ( is among the most powerful and advanced large-scale infrastructures in Europe and worldwide, supporting advanced research in earthquake engineering, geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil dynamics and seismology. It consists of a 3D array of 21 accelerographs and a large-scale model structure (EUROPROTEAS) dedicated to study soil-structure interaction and wave propagation for free and forced oscillation.
EUROSEISTEST is the longest running (since 1993) test site of its kind at global scale and operates in the best known valley in the world, both from geometrical and geological-geotechnical point of view. It is an excellent site for testing and validating numerical models and to generate new knowledge in ground motion and wave propagation; it has already generated more than 85 scientific publications in peer review journals and conferences.
Services currently offered by the infrastructure: Data and metadata properly archived are being disseminated to the scientific community through a web portal. Researchers of AUTH provide technical and scientific support to the existing data and/or the design and implementation of new experiments. They also help international researchers in the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered by the use of the infrastructure, whenever requested. Above all, AUTH researchers work constantly on the abrupt operation of the infrastructure and the improvement of the quality of its data.
Several hundreds of down-hole and cross-hole investigations, passive array microtremor measurements and more than 20km of P- and S-wave refraction and surface-wave inversion surveys have been conducted in EUROSEISTEST combined with an extensive laboratory program to estimate the dynamic soil properties of all soil categories and to develop a detailed and highly accurate 3D geophysical / geotechnical / geodynamic model of the whole valley.
EUROSEISTEST comprises an ideal site to perform interdisciplinary research for site characterization in complex geological and geotechnical environment, to apply new monitoring techniques, to use and check new techniques and tools for 3D site and geodynamic imaging and to perform advanced studies in soil dynamics, site characterization and engineering seismology.
The rich record of previous and on-going research projects the 60 subscribers of the EUROSEISTEST mailing list and the analytics of the traffic in EUROSEISTEST’s web portal demonstrate the widespread interest from worldwide users.
During the last three-month period, there have been 1398 sessions in the web portal by 719 users, 7.15% coming from Greece, 80.4% from other countries and 12.45% of unidentified origin.